Experience Intimacy with God

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Intimacy with God refers to a profound connection and personal experience with the divine. It goes beyond mere knowledge and rituals, encompassing a deep level of understanding and closeness with the person of God. Spatial language is often used to describe this relationship, as believers express their desire to be in God’s presence or dwell in His love.

The Bible portrays God as an intimate friend, ready to listen and commune intimately with His followers. It is a course where the person, in their pursuit of intimacy, embarks on a journey that spans four thousand miles of self-discovery.

Like refining gold, this process requires trust, vulnerability, and surrender. As the person delves deeper into biblical knowledge, they begin to uncover the character of God and His desire for an intimate relationship with His creation.

Intimacy with God is a profound journey where the person discovers a deep connection and closeness with their Creator. It involves understanding God’s character, unconditional love, and longing for a personal bond with each individual.

Dictionary.com describes intimacy as *a close, familiar, and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group.  As you draw closer to the Lord, you will get to know His voice and His heart.  James 4:8

Spending Time with God Brings Intimacy

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” His shadow represents his glory, his presence.  It is the place where we find comfort and safety.  And the place we express our devotion and love for him.

Everything we are and do will be birthed out of that time we spend with Him. Here is where we are ministered to, restored, and instructed.  If God has a call on your life, you will be cultivated in these times of closeness with God. It is here where he will bring correction and direction.  Intimacy is not a one-time event. It is a lifestyle!    To abide means to remain, continue, and stay.

 Intimacy with God through Prayer

Intimacy with God is cultivated when we spend time within his presence.  Psalm 63: 1 b – early will I seek thee: my soul thirsteth for thee… If we want to get close to the Lord, we must spend time in His presence.  Are you hungry to know God? Do you want Him as a true friend? Spend time with Him!  Not only in the morning but in the evening, anytime He calls you to come away.

Intimacy through the Word

The scriptures tell us God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  One of the best ways to build a relationship with the Lord is by learning about Him in the Bible.  There you will learn his will, character, and what he expects of us.  2 Peter 1:3  According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.

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