How to Be A Vessel of Honor?

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God told Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and that He would cause him to hear His words. How important it is to cultivate hearing God’s voice.   How important it is to cultivate the hearing of God’s voice. The Father speaks, but we are often too busy to hear. We are admonished. “Be still and know that I am God!”

God Desires to Show Us Something.

God spoke to Jeremiah and told him to arise, and I will cause you to hear. Why didn’t God tell him what he wanted and where he was?  Why did he have to arise?  God said, “arise,” shows that they had to move from one state to another, either mentally or physically.

The word “arise” means to become powerful; come on the scene.  So, Jeremiah had to move from a state of res to a state of action.  God often reveals his will to us progressively.

As Jeremiah obeyed the first command, further instruction was given. “I will cause thee to hear my words.”  The word “hear” means to perceive by ear. As we are quick to hear and obey the voice of the Lord, He will speak to us more frequently.

What is a Vessel of Honor?

As believers, we carry a precious gift of God inside of us.  We are human containers of the glory of God.  The scripture says We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the power’s excellency may be of God, not us.  2 Corinthians 4:7.

A Vessel of honor is not so much a thing in itself, but it is what we as Christians will become when we align ourselves with the Word and character of God.    We are to live in such a way that we bring glory to God.   Our actions, speech, and lifestyles should emulate Jesus Christ.

As we develop a strong prayer life, read the Word, and strive to do what the Scripture tells us, we begin to look more and more like Him.   We are watched and judged by all who see us.

Will you Become a Vessel of Honor?

God had a great revelation to share with Jeremiah, which he would have missed if he had not obeyed God’s first command. God showed Jeremiah the process of being made by the hands of the Great Potter. He saw how the vessel in God’s hand was marred.

The word “marred” means ( Nepal ) is spoiled, corrupted, corrupt, injured, ruined, and rotted.  Some who have been serving the Lord for many years think they have made it. We can quote scripture, sing in the choir, and participate in the church’s prayer ministry.

If we could only see what the Father sees, we would hang our heads in shame. We are those vessels marred in the hands of the potter, and it takes many breaks so that the sweetness of His glory can flow through us consistently and unhindered.

The Story of the Potter and the Clay

The process of being made a vessel of honor is not always a pleasant one.  Many times, we are chastened and subject to repeated complex tests over and over again until we finally comprehend what God desires to do in us and through us.  God’s cry is, why can I not do with you as this clay? He is longing to mold us and to make us after his delight. Jeremiah 31

We have this treasure in an earthen vessel. The glory of God rests on us, and as we allow Him to deal with us and to make us, God will be glorified through our lives just as the Old Testament sacrifice was tied to the horns of the altar, waiting to be slaughtered.

In Conclusion

Becoming a vessel of honor is a lifelong journey for Christians, and it involves continuous growth and transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit. It requires a genuine desire to align your life with God’s purposes and a willingness to submit to His guidance and will.

We must be diligent to remain on the altar and allow the Father’s knife to cut away everything that will cause us to be spoiled, corrupted, injured, or rotten. Only then can we be vessels of honor, fit for the Master’s use.

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