God Can Save your Marriage

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God can save your marriage.  God ordains the institution of Marriage, but just because God ordains something does not mean it will be easy.  All relationships have struggles. Over 50% of marriages end in divorce.  This includes Christian unions.

This country is experiencing divorce rates as high as secular marriages. Whether religious or not, many have uttered these words as a prayer…”God, can you save my marriage?”  The divorce rate in America for the first marriage is 41%, the divorce rate for the second marriage is even higher, 60%, and the divorce rate for the third is higher yet, at a whopping 73%!

One can almost feel why one should bother getting married with such bad odds.  Nevertheless, incurable romantics get married every day, hoping they will not become a statistic. First, you must know that God loves you and that though you are suffering, He has not abandoned or forgotten you or your family.

 God can Save your Marriage

I do not speak as a professional relationship counselor but as someone who has experienced the restoration of their marriage.  I understand how a lack of communication can erode a relationship, and I understand the pain of betrayal.  I know what it is like to cry to God for the answers I need to be whole again.

I have often heard that your relationship cannot be saved unless both want it.  I have not found that to be true in my case.  I believe God will work with the party willing to submit himself to Him. Work on me? They are the ones who are messing up!  It is difficult to hear when you are hurt, but a relationship does not break down.  Often, both parties have played a part in its demise.

It is easier to hold resentment and unforgiveness when you feel you have done nothing wrong.  As you seek the face of God, He will shine His light on your heart and your sin.  The Spirit of God will gently point out areas where you have failed, and as He shows you, don’t argue, but say, “Yes, Lord,” and repent. Understanding your partner’s failure is a little easier when you are open to your faults.

I do not say that God allowed problems with your relations, but He will take what the enemy sent for evil and use it for your good. God wants to get your attention, and ultimately, God wants to have your heart. Once you have presented your heart to the Father, he will begin with you.

Allow the Lord to remove anything that has hindered your walk with him. He will begin to cleanse, renew you and give you new strength.  Now, you have an open line to pray for your spouse.  Many men and women who have stood in the gap for their spouses have become true prayer warriors.  Allow the Spirit of God to use this situation to perfect your faith in Him.

Tip of the Day – Why you Need Spiritual Discernment

What do you do When you Fall Out of Love?

Love is not a feeling but a decision. You have decided to love this person through sickness and health. Love is a verb and something that must be demonstrated. You cannot go by feeling, as feelings change throughout a relationship. True love grows and matures, and with that maturity comes true commitment and responsibility.

It is like faith. Faith without works is dead, being alone.  Faith is not faith because you feel it, but it is faith because you cannot see it or feel it.  You have committed to this person, and that commitment must remain whether you feel your love for the person or not.

God commanded, “Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.” Do you see the sacrificial love for us? This is the love each man should have for his wife. That sacrificial love should remain through weight gain, on sickness. It will show you how to minister to your spouse effectively.

1Peter 3:7 – Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.

If men realized their great responsibility to love and understand their wives, they would not be so quick to marry. This is God’s command to husbands.  You will find that if you remain firm and don’t seek love elsewhere.

If you begin to nurture your wife and desire to know her, love will bloom again, but it will take your total commitment.  No woman can resist a man who truly loves and understands her.  When she feels loved, submission to her partner will become automatic.

How do I Pray?

You are in warfare, not just for your family, but for your spouse. The enemy will always try to use one to destroy the other. Your spouse is not the real enemy.

Ephesians 6:12 states that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  You are coming against spirits who have blinded the eyes of your spouse.

Remaining prayerful is vital because the enemy is also trying to attack you.  Ask the Lord to show you the spirits attacking your loved one.  

Is is adultery, addiction, abuse, rejection, or mental illness? As you recognize each spirit, begin to bind them and, in the name of Jesus, command those strongholds to be pulled down.

Ask another Christian you know has a strong prayer life to agree with you. Two are better than one. Do not share your problem with anyone who does not have a prayer life or with anyone who tends to gossip.

Your prayers will be powerful as you come before the Lord.  Ecclesiastes 4:12 And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

*Reference – Restoration Prayer for your Relationship

 God’s Promise to Us

I do not know the end for you or your relationship.  If you ask me if God can save your relationship, I will tell you He can.  God has left us with a beautiful promise that will comfort those who believe it. Seek His face, and when all else seems to fail, you will find Him.  Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, not evil, to give you an expected end. God’s Promise to Us…

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

God Saved My Marriage! – My Testimony

Christians are not exempt from marital problems. Over 50% of Christian marriages end in divorce.  That is as often as divorce for non-believers. It is easier to walk away than to do the hard work of praying, waiting, and believing the Lord.  My husband and I were having financial and communication problems, which resulted in a separation of several months.

I wanted my marriage to work, but my husband chose to leave. I enlisted the prayer for my family and church to heal and restore our relationship. My husband was traveling throughout the US, and from time to time, he would call me. I made it a point to be pleasant and not fuss or argue.

Going to Church

My pastor encouraged me to continue to serve God with my whole heart and not allow the enemy to cause me to withdraw.  I continued to preach, minister, and work.  One Sunday morning, I visited a church with an early service before attending my regular service.

The church had about 600 members, and as I went to sit on the right side, an usher stopped me and redirected me to a seat on the left side.  I was a little upset that I could not sit where I wanted, and I quickly sat down, put my purse on the floor, and looked straight ahead.

God Gave Me a Miracle

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man sitting in the seat next to me with his hands buried in his face.

I could feel such sadness radiating from him. I had an overwhelming feeling to turn to see who this man was.  I could not believe my eyes; it was my husband!

In all the seats in that church, the usher sat me right next to my estranged husband. I had moved during our separation, and my husband did not know where I lived. What a miracle! We would not have met if I had not decided to visit this church before my regular service!

My husband and I were shocked at how God orchestrated this meeting, and we knew we were supposed to remain married! That was in God can save your marriage from divorce! That was in 1997; we have been married for 33 years!  My prayer is that God will also restore your relationship.

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