Forgiving someone who has hurt you can be challenging, especially if they are not sorry for what they have done. The Lord’s Prayer says,” Forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us. So, we start from the premise that we also have fallen short and are in need of forgiveness.
When we do not forgive others, bitterness has an opportunity to occur and can remain for years. I say, ‘bitterness has an opportunity to occur” because it is really up to us how we respond to offenses. When we refuse to forgive, bitterness, anger, and hatred grow until it consumes us. The good news is there is a cure for bitterness. It is forgiveness
When we refuse to forgive, bitterness, anger, and hatred grow until they consume us. The good news is that there is a cure for bitterness. It is forgiveness! I am not telling you it will be easy, but when we are willing to forgive, the power of God will be present to help us.
The Benefits of Forgiveness
Forgiving is more for ourselves than it is for the other person: Many times, people don’t even know you are angry with them. They walk around free while you are bound with bitterness. Forgive those who have offended, betrayed, or maltreated you because unforgiveness does not hurt the other person. It hurts you. There is a saying that refusing to forgive someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.
Forgiving gives us the power to heal – When we are constantly angry and have negative feelings, it affects our health. This negative energy causes high blood pressure, headaches, arthritis, depression, stomach problems, and a host of other maladies. So when we don’t forgive, we are hurt twice. Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
The Power to Move Forward
Forgiving gives you the power to move forward. When we do not forgive, we become emotionally and physically stuck. We constantly rehearse in our minds what has been done to us. We become spiritually paralyzed and can not move on to other things, such as new jobs, new relationships, or ministry.
God commands us to forgive – Sometimes, we don’t want to forgive. Especially if we feel justified. God does not tell us to forgive if we feel like it but to forgive because we have been forgiven. If we do not forgive others, our relationship with God is in jeopardy, and our prayers will be hindered. Mark 11:25-26
You Will Receive Mercy
Forgiving gives you the power of mercy. We all know that through the law of reciprocity, we will reap what we sow. The Bible teaches that blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. This wisdom reminds us that we are not perfect and will, at some point in life, need to be forgiven. Matthew 5:7.
Forgiving gives you back personal power. When you forgive, you are empowered, and it releases you from the power the offender has over you. When we hold resentments and hatred, we become prisoners of our emotions. We open ourselves to becoming bitter people who are not pleasant to be around. When we forgive someone, we become free from the hold that person has over us. We are free at last!
Refusing to Forgive
Refusing to forgive affects us emotionally: I heard a preacher once say that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die! When we are unable to forgive, it can fester and become a root of bitterness. The Bible speaks of a root of bitterness springing up and defiling many.
It negatively affects how we see things and how we act. Saul becomes threatened by David when David is hailed as a great warrior by the maidens. The Bible says that Saul began to eye David from that time forth. This is when anger and jealousy came into Saul’s heart, and he wanted David dead. 1 Samuel 18:6-10.
Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I thank you for the power that is in that name. I release forgiveness to ______________ for hurting me. I choose to no longer hold onto anger, bitterness, and hatred. Father, as you have forgiven me, I forgive and release forgiveness to __________. Continue to pray to release forgiveness to all those who have hurt you. As you allow forgiveness to come from your heart, you will feel full of God’s grace and love.