Witnessing is the act of sharing your faith. Hopefully, you will plant a seed leading to that person receiving Jesus as their Savior. Do you want to be a powerful and effective soul winner? Well, you can be just that. When I first began witnessing, it only had a testimony and knew three scriptures!
I later learned through trial and error there is a right approach and a wrong approach when sharing your faith. There is a right spirit and an evil spirit to communicate your faith. There is a right way to share your faith that will bring glory to God.
There is also a wrong way that can misrepresent the Father and drive people away. To win souls for Jesus Christ, you must use wisdom. (The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he that winneth souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30 KJV.)
Witnessing is the act of affirming your faith in Jesus Christ. It is the act of testifying to his grace, mercy and salvation.
Witnessing Scripture
The Romans Road is a popular technique for sharing the Gospel using scripture from the Book of Romans. It is easy to remember the steps so that nothing is left out. Of course, it is not the only way to witness, but it is especially good if you are new at this. Each step provides one or more scriptures and goes from there.
1. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No of us is without sin. Romans 3:10, 6:23
2. The payment for our sins is spiritual death and separation from God. Romans 6:23.
3. Jesus loves you and died for our sins. You have the right to salvation because of his sacrifice Romans 5:8
4. Jesus is the answer or remedy for our sins. Romans 6:23
5. Confess with your mouth and believe with your heart, and you shall be saved. Romans 10:9-10, 13
Being a Soul Winner
Your approach depends on how you were taught to witness or how you have seen it done. To be a great soul winner, meet people where they are, don’t judge, and stick to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many times, zeal, without wisdom, offends or turns people off. Tone down spiritual terminology (church jargon); do not be combative or dogmatic. The truth is, you can share the Gospel with simplicity and without being religious.
There has to be a balance. You want to share your faith in a way that gives people the facts without turning them off. If you run into people and they try to run the other way every time, it is possible that you are the latter.
Proverbs 11:30 says: The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
Don’t Preach the Problem – Preach the Solution
Too often, I have seen Christians point out what a person is doing wrong, their sins. I will tell you this: Most people who are sinners know they are. What they don’t always know is that no matter how low they have gone, they can find forgiveness from a loving God.
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not perish, but have everlasting live. John 3:16 KJV
We’re not called to spread condemnation or to judge but to share the love of God by telling the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Before you witness to others, always ask the Lord for wisdom and guidance, and He will show you exactly how to minister precisely what people need to hear. He will give you words that will touch their hearts.
Friendship Witnessing
Friendship witnessing is a more subtle way of sharing the gospel. It may require inviting them to your home for dinner and developing friendships. Through your living testimony, they will be drawn to Christ.
They are looking to see if you are really a Christian. If, on the one hand, you quote scripture and then you are seen mistreating your wife, that will say more than all the good words you have spoken. People are watching to see how you act when adversity comes.
Your coworkers and neighbors want to see if you are just talking the talk or practicing what you preach. Take your time and be a good witness. This is as much a test for you as it is an assignment from the Lord.
1Peter 1:7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
Non-Religious Witness
Don’t use Religious terms—Christians tend to have a language all their own. Words like Salvation, Sanctification, deliverance, and renewal are words that ordinary people do not understand. Remember to speak in terms that ordinary people understand when sharing your faith. Remember the simplicity of the Gospel and that it is the power of God unto Salvation.
Don’t be Loud – Spirit-filled folk sometimes get very excited, and this is fine in certain environments. When sharing in a hospital, prison, work, or any place where this is inappropriate, keep your voice to a regular tone.
It is not how loud you speak but the power of the Holy Spirit that will minister to this individual.
Show the Love of God – Show the love and compassion of Christ. Most people have gone through many difficult situations, even if they appear to have a hard exterior. Let them see and feel the love of God eliminating from you regardless of what they say or what they have done in the past.
Don’t be Self-righteous – Nothing turns people off like a self-righteous person. Don’t present yourself as overly righteous. We are also sinners but are now saved by grace. It is alright to say that and share your personal testimony.
Pray with the person—When the opportunity presents itself, always pray for the person without being loud or boisterous. I never ask if I can pray for you; I just say, “I am going to pray for you now.” Ninety-nine percent of people will receive prayer.
Street Witnessing
Street witnessing is the one-on-one sharing of the gospel with an individual or a group through sharing the Word of God or preaching. It may take place in the market, on the bus or train, at your job, or at a special meeting, such as a street meeting.
Many times, there is not time for relationship witness because you may never see these people again. That is why, as men and women of God, it is important for us to be like “minute men and women,” ready at a moment’s notice to give the Gospel to a willing and available vessel.
1Corinthians 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
God has allowed you to plant a seed in that person. Over time, he will send others to water the seed that you have planted, and eventually, fruit will be produced from your work. God watches over His Word to perform it, so you don’t have to.
Being an Indirect Witness
An indirect witness may be inviting someone to visit your church or fellowship meeting to hear a message from the minister. If you are a new believer or unsure how to share the Gospel, bring your friend to church.
God can also give you the opportunity to be a special influence in someone’s life. They will have an opportunity to hear the Word of God, and the Lord will begin to tug at their hearts and begin to draw them—or they may receive the Lord that day!
Revelations 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.